Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique{Razi Allahu Anhu }

The first week of July inevitably  brighs to mind the great revered personality of saiyidna Hazrat Abu 
 Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu )
Whose memory we, Muslims all over the world, cherish as a beacon of  faith  and righeousuess.
Popularly known as Abu Bakr (Razi Allahu anhu ) his real name was 'Abdullah' and due to his unswerving and unfinching faith in the rightcousness and truthfulness of  the Holy prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him}
And Divine Mission he earned the title of  'Siddique Akber" From his daughter Hazrat Aisha Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu )
The Beloved wife of Holy propther Muhammad {Peace be upon him} and Mother of  all Muslims, comes down to our
 Knowledge that the Holy propther Muhammad {Peace be upon him} had once disclosed the glad divine Tiding of his
 Immunity from fire ,
 For this reason, The Great Truthful companion of the prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} is also entitled to be called,


Hazrat Siddique Akbr (Razi Allahu anhu )  can easily be reckoned as the first among the great through the desolate
desert. He was a wealthy man and his entire wealth was always an offer in the service of Islam and the
 Holy prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him}. He is the one whom the Quraan mentions as:

"  اذیقول لصاحبہ لا تحزن ان اللہ معنا 

Translate :   
(and) when he said to his companion :
 do not grieve, surely Allah is with us.
(9, 40) 

He was the first student of  Islamic learning, and had the distinction of  standing watch for the Holy prophet
Muhammad {Peace be upon him} in the Battle of Badr. In the Battle of  Uhad, he firmly stood his ground
Protecting the Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} when many of  and dis-array. .

In 9th A.H., he was appointed by the Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} leader of the Faithful's
 Party of pilgrimage to Makkah, and on occasions he was asked by the Holy prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} to lead the congregational prayers..
 These are but some of the many distinctions which distinguish  him among the great companions of the
 holy prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} but his real greatness as a true beliver in Islam and
Worshopper of  one Allah, As well as his abilty as a leader of Muslims which made him the first Caliph by
unanimous choice, came under test when the Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} leaving his
 mortal remains said farewell to the world .
 That was  critical time for Muslims. Hazrat Omar (Razi Allahu anhu ) was particularly beside himself by
 The impact momentous news. His sword unsheathed and his temper uncontollable he bade the
 Gathered Muslims not to dare pronounce the Holy prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} as dead.
 At this moment of  anxiety which threatened intternal dissention and consternation due to external dread
 And danger, the courage, sagacity and unflinching faith of Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) the
 Come to the rescue of Muslims, He gave them heart by reminding them of their faith in the
Omnipotence and oneness of Allah, their Great Maker and the Master who is foe ever.

The eloquence and unflinching faith of  Abu Bkr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) radiated from his 
 Person and revived the faith of Mulims in Islam and gave them courage to pursue the path of 
greatness and glory which was their due. 
The great qualitties of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) had been recognized by the 
 Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} and during his life-time the selected him as the leader of

After the Holy prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} he was natural and unaninmous choice of Muslims
And when he did assume the leardership as the first Caliph of the faithfuls, All his resources and energies
were devoted to the cause of Islam and respect for the wishers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} Hazrat Usama (Razi Allahu anhu ) was appointed to command the army of Muslims on an
 expedition by the Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} while he was alive .
Before the army could march, The Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} breathed his last.
 Many great companious adivsed the Great Truthful to reconsider the appointment of young Usama (Razi Allahu anhu ) owing to the importance of  the expedition and the inclusion of elder and experiened
 companions in the army. But the great Truthful would have none of it which countered the choice
 of the Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} Thus the leader who had been chosen by the
 Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} stayed the leader of the army of the Truthful.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr  Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) the Truthful was, Among all things, proud of three things,
 Namely that he was a companion of the Holy prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} and whenever
 He was in company, his eyes were glued to the personality of the Holy prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} and that he was blessed by Al-mighty Allah with the good fortune of being able to spend his considerable
Weath in the services of Islam according to the wishes of the Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him}
 And that his dear daughter Hazrat Aisha Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) was the beloved wife of the
 Holy prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} the pride of humanity..

According to a marration, while the kind Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} was only a youngster of
 20 years and Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) of only 18, a trip on business took them to syria,
 The Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} desiring for some respite from the heat of the day and
 to refresh himself in prparation of theb journey still lying ahead, sought the the comforting shade of a tree
 nearly, while he was resting, His companion Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) strolled to seek
 company and conversation of a monk who turned out to be the famed Bahira, Monk Bahira had
 noticed the kind prophet  Muhammad {Peace be upon him} resting under the tree and inquired about
 the identity of the person. Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) told him that  he was Muhammad {Peace be upon him} son of Abdullah . Thereupon Monk Bahira said that according to the tradition of his religion,
 That tree had once provided shade over Hazrat Eesa ( Jesus Christ) Alailtis salaam ) and was meant to
 Provide shade for the would-be-last Prophet of Allah .

The Great Truthful Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) had heard this 20 years before the
 Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} was ordained Allah's Messenger and since then believed in
 The truthfulness and prophethood of  Muhammad {Peace be upon him} Twenty years later when he returned
 to Makkah from outside business and heard the news of  Muhammad {Peace be upon him} Prophetood,
 He acknowledged the truthfulness of the Divine Appointment of  Muhammad {Peace be upon him} .
Later, When the Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} revealed about his journey to Baitul
 Muqaddas and accent to the presence of Allah, the supreme, and all in the time that Holy prophet {Peace be upon him}  bed had retained the warmth and the door chain had not stopped dangling from side to side,
 Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu ) was again the first to believe what the Makkans
  Considered unbelievable, He was, Indeed, the Great Compainion of  the Holy Prophet Muhammad {Peace be upon him} his truly first successor as Caliph and a great and must couragous supporter in the
 Cause of Islam ..

May Allah increasingly showr His Blessing upon his soul and give us the will and guidance to emulate his
   Exaple, Aameen ...

        ( Continued from page : 45 )


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